Becky Aud-Jennison

After a lengthy career in human services and as a mental health clinician, Becky Aud-Jennison now considers herself a therapist gone rogue, creating The Death Dialogues Project and podcast to open an alternative space to support people and assist our society in easing the topic of death out of the closet. Becky describes the death of her very close loved ones as dismantling her and putting her back together differently. Our walks with death are unique and she believes we learn how to more effectively negotiate this terrain by listening to others' stories. Story is the foundation on which her books, the project, and the podcast are built. Reared in the middle of the United States, Becky now spends the bulk of her time on a hill in New Zealand overlooking rolling green pastures, the Whangarei Heads and harbor, along with the antics of five cheeky horses, two beloved dogs, and a cat. The answer to her daughter's question, "Do you realize you are replacing children with animals?" may, in fact, be yes. Becky and her husband have a blended family of nine children and three grandchildren. Death and its Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Beautiful Lessons: field notes from The Death Dialogues Project will be out 2/22/22. Find out more about the project and podcast at


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Andrew Garfield: ‘I Hope This Grief Stays With Me’

I Hope This Grief Stays With Me “I hope this grief stays with me.” These beautiful words of Andrew Garfield, speaking to Stephen Colbert (starting at 4:20), have gone viral this past month. It’s as if we are a society hungry for these intimate glimpses into another’s experience. In fact, I believe we are a society starving for permission to speak of our own great grieving. I describe my transformation after the deaths of my soul connect brother and mother as dismantling me and putting me back together differently. In this conversation, we bear witness to the birth of Andrew’s […]

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